lit up salmon welded steel sculpture by Christina Nick
Christina Nick works in her studio in BC, Canada
Installation of welded steel salmon by Christina Nick
welded steel and lost wax bronze ravens by cnick
Whistler Museum and Archives memorial sculpture of Seppo, a pioneer, created by Christina Nick out of welded steel, wood and copper
muriatic acid gives this black bear a nice finish, created in the studios at Brackendale by cnick
cnick creates a cougar out of welded steel
welded steel salmon by Christina Nick
filly, a welded steel sculpture, was created in Hungary in September 2013 for an exhibit at a horse ranch, Christina Nick travels to create artwork too!


Works in Progress


I first started work with the Rare and Endangered Species Trust in Namibia in 2004. I soon realized that the research centre was a very interesting place and that the people running it were very dedicated to their work saving the most endangered animals in Namibia. I returned three times to do field research, some interpretive work and animal handling, mostly with a rare species of vulture, the Cape Griffon Vulture. In late 2013 I returned after a gap of seven years to create another sculpture for the centre, this time of a six meter tall giraffe. It is on display at the research centre and will be sold to help support the continuing work done by the gang of volunteers and the woman who spearheaded the whole thing, Maria Deikmann.


Art Projects 2013


Creations in 2013 included several commissions and many pieces created in the Brackendale Art Gallery studios thanks to the owners, Thor and Dorte. A piece for public display financed by the Whistler Museum and Archives Society and a large installation now displayed at Selkirk College were among the more exciting creations of 2013.



Creations 2012-11


It was with extreme pleasure that I created these artworks in the past few years. Many of them were created in the studio at the Brackendale Art Gallery in British Columbia. With the support of Thor and Dorte the owners, I was able to weld and cut my way into an artist's heaven.  Other art was created in my studio in SW France.

More artwork can be seen at where you can also see other mediums such as painting and drawings in my sketchbook.

Christina Nick creates roe deer welded steel sculptures in France
cnick sculpts deer
Christina Nick welded this life size elk using old plumbing pipes for antlers
cnick welds warthogs
Christina Nick in her studio in France
a complete sculpture of a horse welded in Christina Nick's studio in the SW of France
hunting dog, welded steel, cnick
welded steel salmon by Christina Nick
welded steel bear cub by cnick
welded steel, found objects, braille donated to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind by Christina Nick
running hare sculpture by Christina Nick made of welded steel
lost wax bronze sculpture by Christina Nick
a mix of bronze and welded steel sculpture by Christina Nick
lost wax bronze dog by Christina Nick
welded steel salmon by cnick


Christina Nick- artist and sculptor

Christina Nick | Canada (604) 966-8680 | France 0672705740